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Roadkill Extravaganza is Satyricon´s own footage from extensive touring
throughout the world during 2000. Live-shots, backstage, scenery, you name
it.Satyricon have also answered some of the questions sent in to them by fans
via this web-site. This is raw Satyricon and that's what it's
meant to be. It's not one concert recorded, mixed and put together to
make it look nice. This is how it really is when a rock band is on tour! It was
made especially with true Satyricon fans in mind.This was their life between
January and July 2000! You have a two hour vault you can pick and chose from,
whether you want to see one of the many relentless live-clips or just drift away
to the far side with the absurdities of Satyricon. Judging by the response at
the premier, a classic withn the genré is born!

Including: European gardens, Don´t mention the war, Testdrive section, Cronos,
Faust, Pantera, Darkthrone, Immortal, Emperor, Sunny Schweinburger, Dan Eggen,
crazy Italians, Shane Embury, Goth advertisements, ring-girls, sportscars,
drunkenness and the almighty Satyricon!

Various live clips of Satyricon.

Publisher: Moonfog Productions

Length: 130 mins

Released: 2001

Style: Black Metal

Formed: 1990, Oslo, Norway

Product recommendation

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával és az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.